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    The CSS overflow-y property has basic support with the following browsers: Finally, let& 039;s take our example and set the overflow-y to scroll to see what happens. A description of the CSS property overflow-y. Overflow-y: visible | hidden | scroll | auto | inherit. Overflow Special Notes: Overflow-y property CSS Reference. Visible Content is not clipped, it may be rendered outside the content box. hidden The content is clipped and no scrollbars are provided. scroll There’s a specific one for Mozilla: overflow: -moz-scrollbars-vertical; Just two words overflow-y and scroll, works wonders. This will add horizontal scroll bar. If you wish to enter a vertical scrollbar add the following line. CSS overflow-x. To prevent horizontal scroll bars from appearing, you can use the overflow property. The same principle can be used to create a vertical scroll bar on the whole web page Discuss CSS overflow:scroll in the Advanced Web Development forum on Dev Articles. You can also use: over Читать далее

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